Using AWS Deequ for DataQuality

    Using AWS Deequ for DataQuality

    Oct 6, 2020

    Here we use AWS Deequ Open Source jar in Spark to read data from HDFS and show data quality. In similar way in AWS Spark EMR + S3 can be used

    Chef and String

    Chef and String

    Aug 3, 2020

    Chef wants you to write a program that will tell him the total number of strings he has to skip while playing his favourite song.

    Kafka Nifi HDFS

    Kafka Nifi HDFS

    May 13, 2020

    A small setup which showcases integration of Nifi, Kafka and HDFS

    Welcome to devlopr !

    Welcome to devlopr !

    May 22, 2019

    Hello World ! This is a sample post
